Our AGM and Symposium was held May 4 at the Miscouche Legion. Links to videos of our four presenters can be found below.
– J.P. Arsenault (Keynote Address) is the Chair of the Forestry Commission which is preparing its final report to government.
– Clay Cutting is a technician with the PEI Invasive Species Council. He is doing work on hemlock wooly adelgid, a destructive invasive pest that is decimating hemlock trees in Nova Scotia and other jurisdictions, and threatens PEI.
– Jonathan Schurman is the sole proprietor of Stoic Land Use, a natural resource consultancy focused on helping landowners build equity through restorative management practices.
– Emily Foster is the FireSmart Coordinator for PEI. This program helps property owners identify and address situations around buildings and property that pose a heightened fire risk.