2024 Annual General Meeting.. May 4, Miscouche Legion

Our AGM and Symposium was held May 4 at the Miscouche Legion. Links to videos of our four presenters  can be found below.
J.P. Arsenault (Keynote Address) is the Chair of the Forestry Commission which is preparing its final report to government.
Clay Cutting is a technician with the PEI Invasive Species Council. He is doing work on hemlock wooly adelgid, a destructive invasive pest that is decimating hemlock trees in Nova Scotia and other jurisdictions, and threatens PEI. 
– Jonathan Schurman is the sole proprietor of Stoic Land Use, a natural resource consultancy focused on helping landowners build equity through restorative management practices.
Emily Foster is the FireSmart Coordinator for PEI. This program helps property owners identify and address situations around buildings and property that pose a heightened fire risk.