Forestry Commission To Hold Province-Wide Public Meetings

Islanders are invited to provide input on forestry priorities at upcoming public meetings across the province.The public meetings will help the Forestry Commission understand more about Islanders’ forestry priorities and the issues facing PEI forests.

The public meetings dates and locations are below:

  1. May 14 in Charlottetown at the Malcolm J. Darrach Community Centre
  2. May 16 in O’Leary at the Town Hall boardroom
  3. May 21 in Abram-Village at the Village Musical Acadien
  4. May 23 in Summerside at Credit Union Place
  5. May 28 in Montague at the Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre
  6. May 30 in Souris at the Eastern Kings Community Centre

All meetings will run from 7-9pm.

Further details here.